My Etsy Shoppe

Thursday, June 25, 2015

12 Tags of 2015 June

Hello everyone,

Just a quick post of my version of Tim's Tag for June. The instructions can be found HERE

I followed instructions using supplies on hand...I substituted stripes stencil with burlap stencil and did not have the loop pin..Also I did not have the cutout for the top of the cup, this diecut came with my order from The Funkie Junkie Boutiquie and Linda always sends a little bag of miscellaneous goodies as a token of appreciation, that is how I got this die. :) I lost the top somehow...

I did not have # stamp so I used another TH stamp...Also I used seam binding ribbon instead of linen ribbon...
I hope you enjoyed this post...
Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by...


  1. Your take on Tim's June tag is fantastic, Samra! How I love your monthly tags! They are so original and artistics! This one is my absolutely favorite Samra's tag! Look at that perfect bow, oh, so beautiful, and your awesome background! Amazing work, my dear!
    Huge hugs :)
    Branka xxx

  2. Fabulous take on Tim's tag. Love the green bow.
    Avril xx

  3. Fantastic tag Samra! Love the fun coffee cup and fancy green bow! The background looks terrific!

  4. Excellent tag Samra. You really nailed it this month, it's pretty much an exact match! I do like that you used the wonderful big loopy bow, adds a touch of feminine to it. Well done. hugs :)

  5. Oh my goodness ! What a lovely tag and I love the green with Kraft :)

  6. I love your version! It is gorgeous.

  7. Beautiful tag, Samra, and I would pick it as a winner, for sure! Such perfect details! I LOVE your bow, your substitute for the hashtag, and using the burlap stencil...I tried that but it didn't look good on mine. Oh, well. Your's is amazing! And lucky you to get that die cut in your goodie bag from Linda! I just got my order from Linda yesterday, and there's my stripes stencil! Don't think I'll have time to link up another entry. Hugs!

  8. Wonderful and delicious tag you have created here dear Samra-cakes. That bow needs its own tutorial! Coffee meets elegence with this awesome sauce art piece. Hugz to you muffin! ~Niki

  9. My gosh Samra this is so cool! That gold tinted star is lush and the bow, as always, is so super-Samra style! Great take on Tim's tag xx

  10. I always enjoy your post.......Fabulous Work Samra

  11. Love your loopy bow and fun sentiment - great take on Tim's tag! Julia xx

    1. Thank you so much Julia :) You always make my day with your visit :) Hugs :)
